CAV Speakers/Activities for 2025
Sunday 2nd March: celebrate St Piran’s Day
at St Peter's Church of England Murrumbeena - 371A
Neerim Rd, Carnegie - at 10.00 am. A pasty lunch
will follow. - orders to Ken by 20th February.
Sunday 23rd March: - 9.00 am to 5.00 pm -
Melbourne Highland Games and Celtic Festival held
at Eastfield Park, Croydon - volunteers are needed
to help set up at 8.00 am. Please speak with Ken
if you can assist.
Saturday 12th or 26th April - TBA - we are
hoping that Wendy Smith will speak about a Ship
Wreck at Cadgwith - via Zoom
Kernewek Lowender - 12th –18th May - Copper
Coast of South Australia - Moonta, Kadina and
Saturday 17th May - TBA - possible lunch
Saturday 21st June - Elizabeth Freeborn - a
Cornish speaker - Elizabeth will speak about her
new album, including songs in Cornish and her
family’s mine in Redruth.
Saturday 19th July - Annual General Meeting
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