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Introductory Comments
The following ideas arise from an invitation to Members of the Cornish Association of Victoria to submit ideas to refresh interest in things Cornish. This includes the Association programme and possible projects that could be researched.
Members are invited to add to the list presented here so that the ideas can be discussed before being considered be the Committee of the Association in September 2012.

(1) Pasty Making Fun Day. Invite parents and children to a pastry making activity, perhaps linked with other fun things. Seek sponsorship from cooking people. Promotion.(eg Bakers Delight) Tell the story of the Cornish pasty. Make the longest pasty in Australia!!!!. Invite the media. Perhaps this would be best undertaken as part of a larger festival occasion.( Bendigo, Ballarat, Australia Day ) Another higher profile idea would be to convince a retail food company to jump on the present interest in cooking by launching a national pasty making competition

(2) Recycle Guests and Speakers. Could more negotiation take place between the Kernewek Lowender committee and CAV. with the view to CAV assisting with visiting artists from Cornwall on the understanding that after the Lowender they be used in other venues across Australia.
In a similar way could the Victorian History Library or similar bodies use speakers who present papers at the Lowender. This would ensure good use of the material and a platform to promote Cornwall.

(3) Cornish Expedition 013.  In conjunction with the Overland Gold Project the CAV Committee could ask the SA Kerneweck Lowender to promote a corporate car expedition to journey the gold route from SA to Victoria. People to register interest to join the convoy and to leave after the Kerneweck programme. ( Moira Drew)

(4) Offer Research to Schools. Approach especially local Secondary Schools with an invitation to provide supervision and resources to students during school hours where individual students undertake a project on Cornwall. No strings attached. This may involve some aspect of culture, festivals , mining, smuggling, Eden project, or exploring family roots. etc.

(5) Cousin Jack Family Pack.  Promote a way of having family fun while passing on family heritage. CAV to invest in preparing a Family Pack of professional standard, a resource containing suggestions that enables families to celebrate their family roots. A Colourful pack could include brief stories, pasty directions, Cornish flags, games and competition ideas inside/outside. place mats. scarves. hats, stick ons, make a badge, balloons draw a map, gold field board game and brick-a-brac. The pack could be used as a themes for grandpa???s birthday party, St Piran???s Day, wedding celebration or a school project. Advertise and market the same across the nation.

(6) Cornish Face Book. The South Australian Cornish Association, Mr Chris Dunkley NSW and Bendigo have Cornish Face Book sites. Another site called, I pledge myself to become more fluent in Cornish in 2012 has 134 friends.
CAV already has a good web site but if it is to relate to the next generation it will need to explore the use of social-media/ Face Book. CAV could investigate a Group Page to advertise its individual events across 100???s of friends who have a known interest in things Cornish. This Active site would provide more information, attract people to our web site and connect people to each other. It would get conversation going. We would know who was intending to attend events and GPS would tell people how to get to the venue.(Note the next generation will use a face book diary and will not know how to use the Melway Directory.)
The Association would not have control over what people may say on Face book but it has the advantage of generating instant, widespread interest in things Cornish. Action could include:
(a)    The Committee could choose to explore this potential.
(b)    The Committee could sponsor an awareness raising workshop to introduce people to Face Book and to become Cornish Friends.

(7) Welsh Partnership. Because goodwill has often existed between the Cornish and Welsh people could CAV consider forming some from of partnership with the Welsh Cambrian Society, 97636427, the Welsh Choir or Welsh Church at 320 Latrobe St. The best form of Partnership could discussed, eg A shared annual concert with invited media and special selected guests who may advance the public awareness of the Welsh/Cornish people.

(8)Folk songs and Stories Meeting.  Plan an activity meeting around Cornish folk songs, stories and traditional dancing. Songs could include sea shanties. Often songs have background stories. Also story of Joseph Emidy (Bill Phillips)We could also have a fun go at the Cranbourne or furry dance.( Janet Woolhouse)

(9) Promoting people to tour. ???I reckon actually visiting and seeing Cornwall is the best way to arouse a lasting interest in the place. Then when people come to our meetings they can relive a little bit of their holiday and may even want to go again.
Tourism is the life blood of Cornwall and with the high value of the Aust. dollar it???s a good time to travel so lets talk it up!!!!!.
Convince a local Agent in a Cornish area here in Aussie( Bendigo) to advertise and promote it on a commercial basis. Done together with C.A.V. promotion we could do a deal to share some of the Agent???s profit.???

(10) Reaching the next generation. Could the Bards or CAV in a joint project with CASA (Cornish Association of South Australia) investigate the possibility of commissioning children???s author and Bard Rosanne Hawk (SA) to prepare a low cost, ???Activity kit for Children???. The purpose of the kit would be to inform children of their Cornish heritage in a fun way. Part of the kit could be modified to suit the story of each State in which it was used.( insert page, Burra SA, Goldfields Vic, Early Settlement NSW) This could be made available to schools, used as a gift by grandparents. Built an inter-generational event around the use of the same.( ref Julian Ridge, Activity Guide to Gwennap Pit. julianr@c-dm.co.uk

(11) Research Project. Hobbies and interests of the past are changing and taking on a different look. It???s hard to get people to join organizations or attend club meetings, especially young people. Some groups served a purpose in yester-year but what of tomorrow?
Instigate a social research project that includes a wide range of groups, the Old Cornwall Society in Cornwall as well as Cornish Associations and branches across Australia. The aim could include:
(a)    Examining the significance of a range of ethnic groups, clubs, their role in preserving history and culture. Some assessment/perception of their contemporary relevance and future viability.
(b)    Society??? based in Cornwall and the Cornish Associations /Branches across Australia. (perhaps use the same questions/criteria applied to (a)
(c)    Compare these findings with those obtained from ???Old Cornwall On the basis of these findings and comparisons, envisage how culture/heritage groups may play a positive role in the future and what possible re-shaping may be required.

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(12) Award for Excellence. Create two awards, one for children another for youth Suitable criteria could be developed but must be for people of Cornish decent/ancestry, (12 to 17years), (18 to 30 years.) who in the last two years have already received some form of public recognition for achievement in a recognized field, eg sport, study, music, service, art. Nominations to be submitted by members of the Cornish Association and the Award, plus two year membership to the CAV to be presented at a public event beyond an Association meeting (eg Civic occasion) where some form of promotion of the Association could also take place.

(13) School Essay or Video Competition. Rather than the usual competition among members, mount a comp. of two categories for school students. Upper Primary and early Secondary. Limited length. Factual or fictional.
Offer a $200 prize and advertise among schools and in Community papers. Subject matter related to any aspect of Cornish culture, eg Sailing in Cornwall, Immigration to Australia, King Arthur, etc. Provide other suggestions.

(14) Meeting Trivia To ensure a little Cornish content and brighten  meetings include a segment of Cornish trivia. A very brief spot in the meeting when someone presents a fascinating insight into an aspect of Cornish culture.explain the difference between The Furry Dance and Floral Dance, (Bill P ) or How to name your House in Cornish ( See book 124 ???Cornish Names??? T F G Bexter. etc.

(15) Research Project. Seeking the guidance and assistance of Prof Phillip Payton of Cornwall, the Australian Immigration Dept, and with the assistance of the Freedom of Information Act, attempt to discover information about current Cornish immigrants to Australia. Why they come, where they live, their work, connections and interests. Compare this to the Cornish immigrant of the nineteenth century and seek to establish how Cornish immigrants continue to contribute to Australian society today.

(16) Social Media. About 900 million people use Facebook. Today it is a very immediate and normal way to communicate. (Email is old techno and it serves a different purpose)
???Twitter, Facebook, and the internet are the new media that groups (eg CAV) need to be considering to recruit new members to their organizations. Whilst there is still a place for books and paper, today techno savvy younger people are(already) relating to other modes of research and we must make every effort to connect with them via these methods.??? David Holman, CAV Ballarat Newsletter, May /June 2012

(17) Recruit by Mail Experiment Consider adopting the following as a short term experimental programme and gauge its effectiveness.
With the suburbs near Oakley in mind, select definite Cornish names and addresses from the phone book. Mail a carefully prepared letter that introduces the CAV. Conclude by offering the family personal assistance with their genealogy research in order to establish their past roots. Also invite them to our meetings and offer 12 months free membership to the Association.

(18) Research Suggestions
(a) With the current mining boom in progress the early pioneering of mining by the Cornish, their methods, economic success, life style, social significance, environmental impact could be compared to contemporary methods, markets etc amid globalization. Commission a person from Mines Dept for the task.
(b).Arrange for the Local Government Association to host a visit from expert/s from the Cornish County Council to share insight on their initiatives in the area of the environment and renewable energy. The Cornish Association to gain P.R. coverage by assisting with sponsoring and arrangements.
(c) Instead of a focus on past history alone, use the past to address a current issue.
Research the migrant patterns of the original Cornish pioneers and compare them with current Cornish and overseas migration. The promise of gold and a new future with the promise of a new life and secure future for the asylum seeker.

(19) History Grant In consultation with the Genealogical Society or other consultants seek advice on the history material, records/ photos/articles we hold as an Association and identify what needs to be transferred for storage on digital media in at least two different physical locations.
Enquire from the Minister of the Arts about history grants and apply for a grant for the purpose of preserving our resources and sharing our states Cornish history and heritage.

(20) Annual Pastie Day (Coinciding with mid-winter Annual Meeting)
Ask the Committee to consider providing a free pasty lunch from Keith Cakes Brighton or obtaining Boscastle pasties from bakery. Pre-ordering required to get numbers. Left overs could be distributed as home special
(Janet Woolhouse)

(21) Reaching the next generation. In these days of very computer literate young people, I think we should think about subject material, suitable for primary students, made available on an exciting website, advertised to schools, possibly , as suggested in conjunction with other state associations. It may have to be done professionally, hopefully by someone sensitive - the computer equivalent of Rosanne Hawke.
(22) Local Street festivals: Have a stand with banner, staffed by members. I can contribute 2 hours once per month. To feature:
???    Greeting displayed in Cornish to be used to greet everyone, e.g. ???Mytten Da??? (Good morning). Please ask a Cornish speaker for exact wording.
???    A list of Cornish surnames. If yours in on it then probably someone in your family is Cornish.
???    Details of our excellent genealogical research facilities and library.
???    ???Thank you??? displayed in Cornish, and members say this to thank everyone who visits stall.
???    Marjorie Barrett 1359

(23) At meetings:
 After Trelawney and Kernow Bys Vyken turn to your neighbour and say in Cornish ???Good afternoon, I am???
???My ob vy???..???  i.e. I am??? Or ???Ow hanow yw ?????????  My name is???.
This could be displayed on the screen for all to see. Please ask one of our Cornish speakers for the exact wording.
Marjorie Barrett 1359

(24) Meeting Speaker Suggest Ms Elizabeth-Hartnell-Young on topic Mary Reiby (the lady on our $20 note.  (Details refered to Beryl Curnow)
June Hall  

(25)Youth is the Future
My thoughts (as one with limited Cornish background) briefly are as follows. Look to increase the participation of younger people across a range of activities. Youth is the future and the wisdom of the elderly may be harnessed to help plan and support the journey. Look at the success or otherwise of other ethnic groups in Victoria and adopt what looks worthy of imitation. Initiate a long term plan to fund the associations own facilities. Aim high and build on education and the support of youth???s educational journey.
Peter Gribble  

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