The Hocking Descendants Society Inc.
The Hocking Descendants Society Inc. was
formed on May 22, 1988 at a meeting attended by 20 interested persons
who were researching the family name of Hocking, Hocken, Hockin and
It was decided to form The H.D.S. which is open to all interested
persons and to those tracing the Hocking name, irrespective of its
spelling. Our current membership stands at 80. We have members from
most states in Australia, as well as from the United Kingdom, France,
U.S.A., Canada and New Zealand.
We welcome any snippets of information from anyone, which we may be
able to add to our records, books written about or by Rocking's,
births, deaths or marriages, family trees, copies of photos, articles
from newspapers and extracts from shipping lists etc.
A newsletter is published three times a year of which I am the Editor.
As the Hocking name has a strong Cornish connection we send
complimentary copies of the newsletter to various Cornish Associations
in Australia, U.K., U.S.A. and New Zealand as well as Genealogical
Societies in Australia.
From a competition amongst our members to design a logo, the winning
entry was submitted by HDS Joint Member No3 Mrs Jenny Hocking. It
depicts an engine house and a shovel beside a gold mine where many of
our Hocking ancestors earned their living as miners. The logo is used
on our newsletters, letterheads and badges.
A Database has been set up for members to accommodate the many Hocking
family trees and is updated as new information becomes available. HDS
Member No 353 Mrs Denise Phillips has taken on the roll of Research
Director and is in charge of this project. Contact can be made with
Denise, 49 Conservatory Circuit, Oakden 5086 South Australia
Email: hockingsociety@internode.on.net
Alison Stephen
HDS Member No 1