o den arbennik
Ev a garas Kernow hag oll an
traow kernewek.
Ev a avonsyas kernow yn Ostrali.
Yth eth dhe Orsedhow yn Kernow
ha'n kuntellyansow Berdh yn
Ev a gusulyas yn kever an arayow
ragdha yn Ostrali.
Ev o esel fondyansek C.A.V. ,
hag y'n blydhnyow diwettha,
Skrifennyas, Lywydh ha
Tasek keffrys,
Isori an C.A.V. a veu skrifys
Wella a gar yn feur dhe gana.
Pur lowen o ev an esa ow ledya
an kuntellesow C.A.V. kana
"Trelawney" gans an garm "Kernow
Bys Vykken"
Ev a dhyskas nebes kernewek, mes
yn apert, nyns o an apposayansow
meurgerys dhodho.
Pur drist on ni drefenn bos
mernans Wella.
was a special man.
He loved Cornwall and all things
He promoted Cornwall in
He went to Gorsedhs in Cornwall
and the Bardic gatherings
in Australia.
He advised about arrangements
for them in Australia.
He was a foundation member of
the C.A.V., and in later years,
Secretary, President and Patron.
The history of the C.A.V. has
been written by him.
Bill loved to sing.
He was very happy leading the
singing of "Trelawney" at C.A.V.
meetings with the cry "Kernow
bys Vyken"
He learnt some Cornish but
didn't much like exams.
We are very sad at the death of
