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- Geelong Branch -


Uniting Church (Bay Room), corner Ormond Road and Boundary Road, East Geelong at 1.30 p.m.

Special Events

Annual Dinner

Christmas 2014

Click to read report and see Images

Christmas 2013

Click to read report and see Images

Christmas 2011

Neil Thomas presenting a Certificate of Appreciation to Dick Keuris

To view a Gallery of images Click Here

Chrismas 2010


Colin Schultz speaking at the Christmas Dinner

Forty two members and friends attended the Dinner  held at the Sir Charles Hotham Hotel on 17th Nov. 2010.

To see an image gallery of the event, click this link

Geelong Links

Geelong Branch History

Cornish Association of Victoria Inc. - Geelong Branch

President -  Mr  Neil  Thomas   Ph. (03) 5278 3250
Email:  Neil Thomas
Administrative Secretary -  Ms Ruth Taylor   Ph. 5241 4617
Email: Ruth Taylor 

Treasurer -  Mr  Neil  Thomas   Ph. (03) 5278 3250  

MEETINGS:  Held on the third Wednesday of every second (odd) month at the Uniting Church (Bay Room), corner Ormond Road and Boundary Road, East Geelong.  From September 2015 meetings will begin at 1.30 pm (instead of evenings).   Visitors are welcome. 

ACTIVITIES:  The Association is continually involved in family research, and includes traditional functions and customs in the annual agenda, as well as reports from travellers and historians who have a Cornish tale to tell.


  • To promote and foster goodwill among Cornish people and people in Victoria
  • To stimulate interest in the history, family history, antiquities, traditions and social conditions of Cornwall.
  • To endeavour to arrange contact between relatives and friends of Cornish people in both Victoria and Cornwall and other Cornish Associations.
  • To further awareness in the Victorian community of the importance of the Cornish emigration in the development of Australia.
  • To assist and to encourage , in conjunction with State organisations, Local Government and the National Trust , the restoration and maintenance of buildings and areas of importance to the Cornish heritage in Australia. 
  • To be a non-political, non-sectarian cultural organization.

Geelong Town Hall

The above image has been included because this beautiful building was designed by Cornishman, Joseph Reed.  Wikipedia reports, "Probably born in 1823 in Cornwall, Joseph Read arrived in Melbourne in 1853. The following year he won a design competition for the State Library of Victoria, designed the Bank of New South Wales in Collins Street and the Geelong Town Hall."  (Note the spelling inconsistencies)
To read the full entry follow this link

Geelong Branch Annual Dinner 2019 20th November
This was well organised and a great night as usual.  The speaker/singer was Marie Goldsworthy who sang and played to us as well as managing to sing a song in Cornish.   Marie is also keen to learn Cornish.

Enjoy looking at photos of all the participants by following this link.  Slides Christmas 2019

Geelong Branch Annual Dinner 2018
Geelong members and visitors from Melbourne and Ballarat gathered for the Geelong Annual Dinner at the Sandstone Caf?? on Wednesday 21st November.
After a warm welcome from Neil Thomas, Elizabeth Kraus proposed a toast to the Cornish and Ken Peak responded in Cornish and English.

Neil Thomas presented the story of Methodist Missionary Rev. Francis Tuckfield and his work in Geelong.
Francis Tuckfield (1808-1865) was born on 10th May 1808 in the parish of Germoe, Cornwall.
In his youth he was a miner and seasonal fisherman and at 18 he was converted to the Wesleyan Methodist faith and became an active local preacher.
He was accepted as a candidate for the ministry in 1835 and received two years training at the Theological Institution, Hoxton.
Upon representations by Rev. Joseph Orton he was selected, with Rev. Benjamin Hurst, as a missionary to the Aboriginals in the Port Phillip District.
He arrived in Geelong in 1838 from the Parish of St Erth.
The Methodist Missionary story of Francis Tuckfield involved two of our members.
Ted Curnow was responsible for St Erth Chapel, Cornwall in 2003 and Robert Gribben was Minister at Tuckfield's Wesleyan Church at Portland exactly 100 years later.

Francis Tuckfield

The Geelong Branch met in mid January at the Bay Room of the Uniting Church in East Geelong.
Discussions concerning the Annual dinner revealed that some guests had responded to advertisements in the local press and joined Geelong, Ballarat and Melbourne people resulting in a record number of attendees - 49.
During the meeting several Cornish news articles were read, a Cornish Mining Tea towel was displayed and Neil Thomas tested the knowledge of attendees with a Cornish Quiz through photographs.
The next meeting of the Geelong Branch is planned for 20th March at 1.30 pm at the East Geelong Uniting Church.

Geelong Branch Annual Dinner 2015
Neil Thomas, the Geelong President, welcomed members and visitor with "Gorthugher da"
Max Beck proposed the toast to Cornwall.  Read about Max and his recent publication
June Whiffin made the response.

The guest speaker was Tim Dennis of Tardwarncoort.  Tim had hosted the visit of the Association in October and spoken about the history of the farm and the area at the property.  To see and read more about our visit, Tim and Tardwarncoort, follow this link

To view a gallery of images from this event click here

Here are a few examples

Geelong Branch Annual Dinner 2014
A most enjoyable time was had by all members and guests at this year???s CAV Geelong Branch Annual Dinner with over 40 people in attendance. Following the welcome by Branch President, Neil Thomas, proceedings began with the enthusiastic singing of Trelawny, this was followed by Grace being said be the CAV Welfare Officer, Ted Curnow in the Cornish language.
President of the CAV, Beryl Curnow proposed the toast to the Cornish. Beryl aided by a slide show took us for an interesting tour of the Eden Project in Cornwall. This was followed by Joy Menhennet the President of the Ballarat Branch of the CAV, who responded to the toast. Joy told a tale that we are all interested in, that is, the  locating of distant family relatives in Cornwall. It appears that some Cornish people are not as enthusiastic about family history as we are here in Victoria. However, after much research a connection was established.
The guest speaker for the evening was past CAV President, Derek Trewarne. Derek who recently became a Bard of the Gorsedh titled his talk: A Bardic Experience and More. Derek with the aid of slides took us on a tour reliving his recent trip to Cornwall. This included time in Hong Kong and Devon. Derek showed slides of the colourful Gorsedh ceremony held on a sunny afternoon at Torpoint.
Ted Curnow

Neil Thomas - President

Joy, Derek and Beryl

Derek Trewarne presenting his talk

At Dinner

Geelong Branch Annual Dinner 2013 - Sandstone Caf?? 20/11/2013
Three speakers took us on a journey of the glories of Cornwall at the Annual Dinner of the Geelong Branch of the Cornish Association on 20 November 2013.
The Sandstone Caf?? provided the three course meal for about 45 who attended.
After a welcome and introduction by President Neil Thomas and the rousing introduction of Trelawney, a Cornish poem from Hartley May, the real feast came when Elizabeth Kraus told the story of Ann Pearce who arrived in South Australia in 1838 on the ???Royal Admiral.??? It was the first public airing of the story and Elizabeth dressed in traditional costume, assumed the role of her ancestor in telling the story after which she proposed the toast to the Cornish.
Ruth Taylor  (Sec. CAV Geelong Branch)  responded to the toast. Ruth had visited Cornwall in June and she took us to the three villages of her ancestors. Breage, St Keverne and the Lizard village. Then we took a trip around Cornwall with Guest speaker John Mildren chasing birds.! As he walked into the St Keverne Church the organist played Happy Birthday. The organist was a relative nine generations removed! We visited Bude, Boscastle, St Michaels Mount, Tintagel, the Lizard???s Cadgwith, Helford, and Pendeen.
We travelled on the train from St Erth to St Ives around Carbis Bay. We heard about the Swift, Herron Gull, the Green Woodpecker that was too green to be seen, egg hunters basking sharks, cow parsley and Barbara Hepworth.
Thank you Geelong for an enjoyable time and a filling dinner.
Ted Curnow

Ted Curnow, Elizabeth Kraus & Neil

Neil Thomas and John Mildren

Ruth Taylor

Neil introducing John with the St Piran's Flag prominently displayed

Elizabeth Kraus

Members and visitors listening to Neil Thomas at the lectern

Below are some photos of Point Henry captured by Neil Thomas.
Many Cornish landed here in the gold rush before heading to Ballarat. What is of interest is the fact that it would be the only port in Australia that the people of that era would recognise. Every other port would have changed markedly, but not Point Henry. Also it was named after the brig Henry which was captained by a Cornishman.

Point Henry

Click on a thumbnail to see the full sized picture

Pt.Hen Plaq Pt.Hen-01 Pt.Hen-02
Pt.Hen-03 Pt.Hen-04 Pt.Hen-05

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